June 19, 2009




Sara said...

Beautiful colors!

Margaret Dashwood said...

How cute! What kind is it?


Chelsea said...

Thanks! :)

Well, I am actually not sure, but I am pretty sure that it is a type of Sparrow. :)


Cayla said...

It does appear to have a sparrow- or finch- shaped bill; it appears to be generally brown all over with just some streaking on the breast. I'd go with a female Indigo Bunting. (But only if you're west of the rockies.) I've found the Whatbird forums (http://whatbird.com/forums/forums/default.aspx) to be very helpful when I'm having trouble identifying a bird, so I'd post it there. =)
In any case, great photo! I feel I really must get an SLR after seeing that--I would have unusable amounts of purple fringing if I took that shot with my camera!

Chelsea said...

Thank you for the site! I usually try and know what kind of bird I am taking a picture of, but sometimes I have trouble knowing what it is... so thanks for the site! :) I really love my SLR. :) I am able to things that I was not able to do before on my little Panasonic...lol :) Thanks for commenting! :)
