June 29, 2009

.:Day lillys:.

Chelsea :)


Margaret Dashwood said...

Gorgeous! Ours are finally coming out too, so I've been taking lots of pics!!:P


Anonymous said...

Hey, Laura!! Here's a survey I'd like you to answer for my blog review. You can just write the answers on a comment on my blog and I won't publish it. Thanks!!! (of course, this is totally optional... if you don't want to do the interveiw, that's fine!! Just let me know.)

What camera do you use?

How long have you been “a photographer”?

Why do you like photography?

What do you like taking pictures of best?

What inspires you?

If you could travel one place to take pictures, where would it be?

Do you have any other interests besides photography?

Is there anything you’d like to say to encourage other photographers?

If there's any question you wouldn't like to answer, just put N/A for the answer. Thanks!!