June 27, 2009

Photo Contest!

This is Laura entering my photo for the contest! (Nature Category)

This contest is being held by Hannah from Farmgirl in Flipflops! You can enter some of your own photos too! Check out the rules and guidlines for entering at her blog! Deadline is June 30th!Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Chelsea and Laura!!! I love your entires! Can't tell any secrets, though... ;) But I've taggged you all!!! Come by my blog for details. ;)

Allison Joy said...

Ooo! Wow, Laura! I love the color of the flamingo against the black background! And the flamingo is in a neat triangle shape too... :)
Great job!


Chelsea said...

Thanks!! :) I thought it was so neat! And if you look closely it looks like he is looking straight at me! lol :)