June 11, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!



Margaret Dashwood said...

What beautiful pictures! We've been having lots of rain too, and we are getting a bit tired of it (hehe:P), but pictures of the raindrops on flowers and leaves are some of my fav. kind of pictures to take...just gorgeous.


Margaret Dashwood said...

Oh, I'm just wondering...what movie is "The Ride of the Rohirrin" from that you have on your playlist? It's a really neat song!!:)


Chelsea said...

Thank you! :) Haha, yeah I must say that I was getting pretty tired of the rain too. lol :) But we finally had a nice day today. :) I LOVE taking pictures of raindrops on leaves/etc. :) I really like that song too! It is from 'The Lord of the Rings' series I think...
God Bless! :)

Leah said...

What AMAZING photos! :)

Chelsea said...

Thank you, Leah! :)