August 3, 2009

Church Camp!

Church Camp!! :) 2009

There might be more coming later! :) -Laura


Allison Joy said...

Such pretty, restful photos :)

I really like the lampost shot (lamposts are soooo neat!)
And the lake-reflection photo is amazing!

Great job!


Anonymous said...

I love these photos! So peaceful and calming. :-)

~Mrs. B
(Chelsea's Mom)

Anonymous said...

Cool pictures! Looks like you had a ton of fun.

Margaret Dashwood said...

Awesome pictures!!! Especially the one of the sun...I also love the one of the frog!!:D
Where was the camp? It looks absolutely beautiful!!:)


Sandie said...

All are so pretty!

Chelsea said...

Thank you all for your comments! They all mean so much! The camp is in Ohio. I love it so much! It gives you a wonderful week away from the world and straight into God's word! It's wonderful!

Leah said...

AMAZING!! Each one took my breath away! I had to constantly remind myself to keep breathing! :P

Chelsea said...

These are some AWESOME pics, Laura!! I really like the one of the lampost!! Great Job!! Keep it up! :)

<3 Chelsea