September 16, 2009

Award :)

We were just given this award from our friend Leah!!!
Thanks Leah!! :)
Here are the rules...

1. Say thanks and link to the person who gave you the award.

2. Share ten "honest" things about myself (in some of these cases, I have discovered that the word "honest" is synonymous with "embarrassing.")

3. Award this to seven people who's blog design/content I admire or who have encouraged me, and inform them of their win and of the rules of this award.

Here are the ten things...
1. I play the Piano, Mandolin, Fiddle, little bit of the Banjo (not much), and the Penny Whistle
2.I live out in the country
3. I want to own a Mustang Convertable :)
4. I have broken and sprained the same ankle
5. I have been chased by a rooster (I can laugh about that now... :)
6. I was 5' 10" at the age of 12
7. I want to go to Germany and Ireland
8. I don't like mushrooms very much
9. I LOVE the Ohio State BUCKEYES!!!! GO BUCKS!!!
10. I LOVE fishing!!! :) 

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