May 3, 2010

Beautiful Flowers for a Wonderful Mother :)

Well my Mother is pretty much amazing and I love her to death! :) And since mothers day is coming up, I thought I'd do a post about her! She is a secretary at her work and does everything and more a secretary could ever be assigned to do! She is so generous and kind to everyone! She can cheer up anyones day! So at her work for secretary week they got her a huge beautiful bouquet of flowers. :) They were sooo pretty and smelled so so good! :) She loved them and was so proud of them! And I was so proud of her! So here are a few pictures of the flowers! (I should have taken a picture of the whole thing but i didn't :( ) I love you Mom!! God bless you!




Love you Mom!

<3 Laura


Amber Noella said...

That is too sweet!

Anonymous said...

I love this, Laura!! :0)

Your Mom is so nice and has done such a good job raising you and your siblings. I hope she has a very special day.

~Mrs. B