May 23, 2010


You know what? I like rain! I have no idea why, I just love it! Well in the past couple of weeks its been raining... a lot... And its been awfully muddy, which is no fun, and we can't go outside and enjoy the warm sunshine when its pouring down buckets! But regardless, I still love the rain! I try to always thank the Lord for it because I know there must be so many people praying for it to go away! :) So here are a few pictures of rain!

Job 36:27-28 
For he maketh small the drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof: Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly.




<3 Laura


Morgan said...

Wow GREAT pictures!!!
What kind of camera do you have?
I'm saving for a CANON DIGITAL REBEL XS B 18-55MM IS.

Sereina said...

I love the rain too! Gorgeous pictures!

Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog!


Chelsea said...

Ha ha Thank you both! :) I totally wish I had that camera!!! i only have a little Canon Powershot SX100.
:D Im glad i have a fellow rain lover!

Amber Noella said...

beautiful. i love the rain too :) my favorite!

Chelsea said...

Thanks Amber! :)