June 24, 2010


Here is a photo that I took a couple weeks ago when we were planting our garden. I think it looks pretty neat. :) 

Chelsea <3


Alex Maria said...

Did you edit this? If so, what editing program do you use?

This picture reminds me of so many things, but most of all: Hope.

Very creative! :)

Anonymous said...

I think we were all so happy to be putting the garden in, especially the one we tried the lasagna method on. This is a great picture, Chel!

Chelsea said...

Alexandra: I actually use a place called "Picnik.com". It is free to sign up, and for photographers who are just starting out... it is pretty awesome. :) I currently don't have the funds to buy some really nice editing software (still working on it! :D ), but picnik has been very good to me. :)

Mom: Yep! I know that I am excited about the garden! I can't wait till everything is done and we can enjoy eating everything that we planted! :) :)

Sara said...

This is just totally lovely!

Alex Maria said...

I use picnik, too! Did you purchase the premium package thing or are you using the free one? I didn't buy anything...

Alexandra :)

Chelsea said...

No, I don't have the premium package...sometimes I wish I could have it for like a certain project or something like that, but I mainly only need and use what it gives me already. :) :)
