July 24, 2010

Camp | Blob :)

Well, I am back after 2 weeks of counseling at a Bible Camp near my house! It was such an amazing time that I will never forget. :) Especially since we had several girls that got saved and made some different spiritual decisions! :) Praise the Lord! I am very happy to be home, but at the same time I miss camp...can't wait to go back next year!!! :) 
Chelsea <3


Amber Noella said...

HAHA! Those pictures sure kept me laughing! I've always wanted to do that to someone (& have that done to me!)

Glad you had an amazing time :)

maddie said...

Thats so cool! What camp did you attend! I may have gone to the same bible camp with a blob too!

Chelsea said...

@Amber: It is pretty awesome! :)

@Maddie: Sorry that it has taken me awhile to reply back to you. :/ But, the camp that I go to is called "Peniel Bible Camp". It is a really amazing camp. :)